Saturday, April 28, 2007
It seemed like such a good idea at the time…
Thing is I didn’t realise there was that much to be done! Now that I realise the amount, I also realise the necessity of having a dirty house in order to have a life. I will now end my subscription. My house will be a mess, but I will be all the happier for it. A messy house means one’s got better and more useful things to do than cleaning.
I might just do that...
Thursday, April 12, 2007
To Be True To Ones Heritage
1.The fillet is turned in flour
2. then dipped in beaten egg
3. next to be turned in bread crumbs
4. and finally it is fried
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Next Generation Bloggers Are Here
From Cold War Kitsch to Microsoft Nuclear Threats
In US popular culture the matter of nuclear weapons has of course been trivialised; like in this 1957 photograph of Miss Atomic bomb. Is that bad taste or what!?
Now trivialisation and irony are two different matters.
I found this blog from 2001 on Microsoft testing of nuclear devices. I thought very amusing. It begins:
“World leaders reacted with stunned silence as Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) conducted an underground nuclear test at a secret facility in Washington state. The device, exploded at 10:55 am PDT (1:55 pm EDT) today, was timedto coincide with talks between Microsoft and the US Department of Justice over
possible antitrust action.”
In it Bill Gates supposedly claims the rights of Microsoft to market it’s products by ”any and all necessary means”.
Bush supposedly retaliates; but to no avail:
“In Washington, President Bush announced the US Government would boycott all Microsoft products indefinitely. Minutes later, the President reversed his decision. "We've tried sanctions since lunchtime, and they don't work," said the President. Instead, the administration will initiate a policy of "constructive engagement"
with Microsoft.”
And what about this supposed quote from the then Microsoft Chief Technology Officer Nathan Myrhvold, where he warns users to replace Microsoft NT products with rival
operating systems:
"I can neither confirm nor deny the existence of a Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator inside of every Pentium III microprocessor," said Myrhvold, "but anyone who installs an OS written by a bunch of long-hairs on the Internet is going to get what they deserve."
Read article in full here: Microsoft Tests Nuclear Device
And finally to round off with some more nuclear irony. Kallis comment on picture below: “Nice to see the great military powers treating their soldiers like human beings“
Monday, April 09, 2007
The Happy Scrabble People
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Get Outta Here!
“My genitals are unavailable”
“You are free to imagine what it would be like to be horizontal with me.”
“I have power in my pelvis”
Saturday, April 07, 2007
The Garish Easter
Aw, Bless!
Homer: Thanks son. Now you've got little hands.. could you reach under the mower and pull out that skate?
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Ehrrmm... Did Anyone Say Swedes Are Gullable?
Kjell Stensson, a TV and a nylon stocking
Instant Color TV
"In 1962 there was only one tv channel in Sweden, and it broadcast in black and white. The station's technical expert, Kjell Stensson, appeared on the news to announce that thanks to a newly developed technology, all viewers could now quickly and easily convert their existing sets to display color reception. All they had to do was pull a nylon stocking over their tv screen, and they would begin to see their favorite shows in color. Stensson then proceeded to demonstrate the process. Reportedly, hundreds of thousands of people, out of the population of seven million, were taken in."
Louis A. Starr, Springville, N.Y comments: "The scary thing is getting the nylon stocking off the woman who is big enough that her nylon stocking fits around a television screen."